October 11, 2013

Life in the Northwest Territories

The Land is Our Storybook is a series of books about the land and culture of the Northwest Territories. The series is published by Fifth House Publishers, a division of Fitzhenry and Whiteside.  They give children a clear glimpse of what it is like to live in a Northern community. More importantly, the positive nature of the stories helps to dispel stereotypes and fosters appreciation for Canada's First Nations. 

Here are two books in the series:

The Delta is My Home
by Tom McLeod

Tom McLeod is an eleven-year-old of Gwich'in and Inuvialuit ancestry. He lives on the Mackenzie River Delta in Aklavik, Northwest Territories. In The Delta is My Home, Tom tells stories about the floods that sometimes affect the town, how muskrats avoid predators, how to smoke ducks, and how to make bannock.

Proud to be Inuvialuit
by James Pokiak

Pokiak grew up in Tuktoyaktuk, Northwest Territories. In Proud to be Inuvialuit, James talks about his family and his community, and how a whale is processed for eating. The pictures of children and grandchildren working together stress the importance of the Inuvialuit culture. It'll also make you want to try muktuk. (I have, and it's delicious!)

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