April 5, 2013

The uses of poop and pee

The Truth About Poop
by Susan E. Goodman
illustrated by Elwood H. Smith

Goodman offers up interesting tidbits on how animals use poop in this cheerful book. She also knows disgusting facts about the history of toilets and the evolution of toilet paper.

The Scoop on Poop! Lifting the Lid on the Science of Poo and Pee
by Mary & Richard Platt
illustrated by John Kelly

Cartoon dogs and rodents present the many uses of poop and pee in this fact-filled book. Information is presented in individual boxes scattered throughout the pages, making for a somewhat cluttered look, but kids will no doubt enjoy it. They can use the book to hunt down all sorts of gross details, which invariably involve the eating, drinking, and handling of poo and urine.

Not to be read during dinner.

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