November 21, 2014

Wartime spies

Ultra Hush-Hush: Espionage and Special Missions
by Stephen Shapiro and Tina Forrester

James Bond aficionados will definitely find much to enjoy in this book about spies and saboteurs, especially since all of these stories are true! Young readers will be amazed at the talents of Jasper Maskelyne and his Magic Gang, master illusionists who fooled the Germans with fake armies and explosives. Then there were the Italians, who rode underwater torpedoes to blow up British ships, a daring SS officer who rescued Mussolini from a mountaintop prison, and Navajo code talkers who mystified the Japanese.

Enlivened with full-colour illustrations, photographs, sidebars, and maps.

For even more exciting stories, read the companion book Hoodwinked: Deception and Resistance.

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